March Sign In or Register to comment.Go to Page View First Unread. This has nothing to do with addon related settings, the addons would have to be listed for you to have access to adjust settings. Next time you're logged in the addons are completely gone from the list but have not been removed from the addons folder. The addons appear the first time you get in game. I have done a complete new install on the default C drive. Do a file search on your drives for these files for alternate locations. Please offer any insight you all might have into this issue. My actual game files are on my E Drive in my Steam folder, and I've tried moving my addons there, the OneDrive, and the Program Data folder to see if it changed anything, but to no avail. However no matter what AddOn I download into this folder, no addons show up at all, and it's frankly frying my mind trying to figure out why. So I did my research on this issue, and it seems like the top 'fixes' for this issue were including the OneDrive, and another AddOn folder in the C: Drive.